The most important advice, recently heard from a Coach, came from Coach John Calipari, head coach of the University of Kentucky Basketball team, during an intersquad scrimmage October 18, 2019 to a TV Coach-commentator, "I tell families and recruits, if you are drinking, smoking, cokeing or chasing, you don't need to come here (to UK); we don't do that."
'Athletes who drink, smoke, coke and chase are usually thrown-out at 1st base.'
Coach Calipari is an Athlete-Centered Coach, primarily concerned with the holistic experience, complete welfare and success of his players. Calipari knows the NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL ADVANTAGES THAT BOOST ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE. The NBA draft-ability, NBA earnings and, not just NBA, but all-around successes and new-found Kentucky Home-place of his Basketball Athletes are testaments.
“Victorian minds considered competing for money to be a low-class pursuit. Baron Pierre de Coubertin,1863 – 1937, the French aristocrat who revived the Olympics, insisted that only athletes driven by a pure love of sport were worthy of entering an Olympic stadium.
For decades, all Olympians were required to sign an affidavit swearing that they had never been paid for playing sports, and that their training had not been subsidized in any way. The Olympics were bastions of amateurism.” [The evolution of the Olympic ideal by The Week Staff Jan 1, 2007 The Week]
The Olympic Ideal, Keys for Athlete Success:
- Mindfulness capacity of the Brain, Total Concentration
- Vital breathing capacity of the Lungs, Endurance
- Oxygen pumping capacity of the Heart, Fuel
- Instinct capacity of Reflex Arcs, Muscle Memory
- Spiritual capacity of the Soul, Will and Holy Power to Win
The Surgeon General of U.S. Public Health Sounded Alarm About Risks Of Marijuana, Aug 30, 2019. Marijuana use is risky for teens and pregnant women and can be very habit-forming,
This current update from the Surgeon General is a precusor to number 3. Alcohol and Marijuana Abstinence Advantage that follows in the
More than 30 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana for either medical or recreational use, the U.S. surgeon general says no amount of the drug is safe for teens, young adults and pregnant women.
"While the perceived harm of marijuana is decreasing, the scary truth is that the actual potential for harm is increasing," [Surgeon General Jerome Adams].
Surveys show that an increasing number of adolescents and pregnant women use the drug, which can be eaten, smoked or vaped.
"This ain't your mother's marijuana," he said. The THC concentration in marijuana plants has increased threefold between 1995 and 2014, according to the report, and concentrated products can contain up to 75% THC. "The higher the THC delivery, the higher the risk," Adams said.
Highly Potent Weed Has Swept The Market, Raising Concerns About Health Risks
Young people who regularly use marijuana are "more likely to show a decline in IQ and school performance [and] are more apt to miss classes," Adams said. And frequent use of the drug can also impair a child's attention, memory and decision-making.
In addition, it can be habit-forming. "Nearly 1 in 5 people who begin marijuana use during adolescence become addicted," Adams said. "That's scary to me as the dad of a 15-, a 13- and a 9-year-old."
Symptoms of marijuana dependency include "irritability, mood and sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, cravings, restlessness, and/or various forms of physical discomfort that peak within the first week after quitting and last up to 2 weeks," according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
And marijuana becomes addictive "when the person cannot stop using the drug even though it interferes with many aspects of his or her life," according to NIDA [Marijuana, Surgeon General Sounds Alarm On Risk Of Marijuana Addiction And Harm ALLISON AUBREY, August 29, 2019, Twitter, all Things considered, PBS, U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH, Jane Khomi/Getty Images]
"When Sha’Carri Richardson was barred from the Olympics this month June 2021 after testing positive for marijuana, it ignited an ongoing conversation about whether the drug should be classified as performance-enhancing for athletes. Does getting high really improve strength, speed, agility or other outcomes?
"The idea that marijuana improves Athletic performance is not supported by science.
- To the contrary, the evidence is inconclusive at best, while an overview of the research concludes that marijuana hinders performance by reducing stamina and peak performance while increasing heart and breathing rate.
- Charron et al concluded that the drug “does not act as a sport performance enhancing agent as raised by popular beliefs. Cannabis diminishes Athletic performance.” [Charron J, Carey V, Marcotte L'heureux V, Roy P, Comtois AS, Ferland PM. Acute effects of cannabis consumption on exercise performance: a systematic and umbrella review. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2021 Apr;61(4):551-561. doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.20.11003-X. Epub 2020 Jul 28. PMID: 32734752. ]
- "Mr. Novitzky said he had heard U.F.C. and mixed-martial-arts competitors joke that they would be happy if a competitor were stoned, because it would slow reaction time and give an advantage to an opponent.
- "Experts said Marijuana's relaxation hinders Athletic performance. [Science Doesn’t Support Idea That Marijuana Aids Athletes’ Performance, by Matt Richtel July 14, 2021, NY Times]
Please continue the 4 NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL ADVANTAGES THAT BOOST ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE and to numbers 1. 2. 3. and 4. that follow.
Of course, there are many physical and mental factors that underpin excellent Athletic Performance, but the following 4 are essential Neurophysiologically.
1. Fixed Superior Mindfulness (FSM) and Mentally Tough Athlete (MTA) Advantage
- Neural Patterns are organized in Neural Networks aka Neuronets.
•“Each neuron (brain cell) holds an idea”
•each Network (Neuronet) of neurons holds summation of ideas, for example: Beliefs
•Neural Networks define Brain Systems and activate consciousness and other neurophysiology. [Your Beautiful Mind, George Helou]
What is the difference in Mindfulness and Mindset?Mindfulness is not just thinking, but a BRAIN NETWORK for a WAY OF THINKING, the neurophysiology elicited from the neuroanatomy, which focuses awareness wholly on the present. When one is mindful the person accepts their current feelings, sensations and emotional networks, as the person becomes aware of them and then collects and mobilizes them for performance.
Mindset is derived from “habits of mind formed by previous experience.” [ Am Psycholocigal Assoc., Online Etymology Dictionary]; mental attitudes that predetermines persons’ responses after interpretation of the situation. [APA, American Heritage Science Dictionary Mar 7, 2018]
Mindset is also described as a set of Beliefs we have, which direct our potential responses, when internal and external stimuli are activated. Mindset in medical terms is a “fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to a situation”; (response to internal or external stimuli); “a habit, inclination”. [Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 1995]
In genetic language, Mindset is an inactive potential action, representing a variety of different genomic blueprints for ideas, attitudes, thoughts, beliefs etc., in brain cell (neuron) nuclei, at rest, awaiting activation. [Enabling genius: A mindset for success in the 21st century by Myles Downey, 20, 224 pages]
Thought: “Here comes the ball. Action: I’ll catch it.” Thought: “time to pray.” Action: “Begin prayer.”
Other ways to think about Mindfulness and Mindset are Neurophysiology requires action verbs and adverbs and Neuroanatomy requires noun names and descriptive adjectives.
Other identified networks which are Default modes, Dorsal attention, Salience, Lateral visual auditory, motor, right executive, posterior default mode, left fronto-parietal, cerebellar, ventral attention, spatial attention, language, left executive, sensorimotor, memory and others.
“To determine if cognition (thinking) is universal or socio-cultural, investigators made a clear distinction between the different levels of thinking. 3 descriptive planes (3 levels) of Mind’s cognitive phenomenon (thinking) were described:
- 1. Biological Process: genes activate, neurons, proteins, enzymes, interact, etc.
2. Psychological Computation: Mind’s core programs/operations. (x leads to y)
3. Surface Behavior: the relations between stimuli and responses. (x results in y)
“In this way, it becomes clearer that although both nature and nurture can have an effect to some degree on the 3 planes. The first 2 are essentially universal while the 3rd one is undoubtedly socio-cultural.
Athletes and all people have different ways of thinking, but do they actually think in different ways?
The answer is that “people and Athletes from different cultures may have different ways of thinking, but they don’t actually do the thinking in different ways i.e. use either one independently or a hybrid of the aforementioned 3 thinking planes. [Different Ways Of Thinking And Thinking In Different Ways Apr 22nd, 2005 by Paula Bourges-Waldegg]
Thinking is active neurophysiology. The idea in a neuron is the anatomy, more specifically cytology, at rest, but when activated, it is the action of the idea, neurophysiology.
The hypothesis is that ‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’ (thinking/cognition) of the Superior and Supreme Athlete utilizes primarily Biological Processes while being influenced less by secondary Psychological Computation and Surface Behaviors and the ‘Growth Mindset’ Athlete utilizes Psychological and Behavioral layers primarily with the Biological Processes considerably less.
‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’ of the Superior and Supreme Athlete are characterized by many positive personality traits, which the Athlete Mindfully organizes from the Cerebral Cortex, the top of their Mind (located in top of Cerebrum), down through the entire Nervous System, directing total Mindful energy, wasting none, on the athletic tasks at hand.
‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’ gathers the total Mind’s Cerebral energy at the moment for action and focalizes all the power of Mind, as it proceeds to and through the body below, for the desired Athletic Assignment accomplishment.
‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’ is one of the greatest secrets of Athletic success and ‘poise’. No one can succeed without concentration.” “Perfect concentration is required for success.” 23.
“Concentration is a state of consciousness that is not actual until it becomes permanent. Concentration requires a ‘wide awake mind’, ‘wide awake attention’, undivided attention, and full mental action, neurophysiology, where the attention is directed.
‘Poise’ is a term slung around, frequently voiced, in the Sports world, but what exactly is it? Poise is a Mindset, an attitude of self-confidence, composure and self-control, when used in Sports.
“The attitude of ‘poise’ demands perfect concentration, because all mental energies at that time are concentrated and are not scattered. “Scattered energies are always lost. Masterfulness requires that all mental energies are concentrated and not scattered. [The science behind concentration and improved focus Dec 6, 2013 by Alina Vrabie]
The brain has both antagonist and protagonist networks. The antagonist is a series of brain structures called the Default Mode Network (DMN). The protagonist network is a series of brain structures called the Task-Positive Network (TPN).
“DMN and TPN are mutually exclusive. The activation of the DMN inhibits the TPN and vice versa.
“The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a brain network that is intimately related to anxiety, depression, and obsessionality. The DMN has been shown to be negatively correlated with other networks in the brain such as attention networks.
The Default Mode Network is an interconnected and anatomically defined set of brain regions. The network can be separated into numerus hubs and subsections.
“The DMN can simplistically be thought of as being made up of “medial” (towards the middle) parts of the brain. Reference described the parts in detail.
The Default Mode Network is most commonly defined with resting state fMRI data by stimulating the posterior cingulate cortex and examining which other brain areas most correlate with this area. [ Greicius, Michael D.; Krasnow, Ben; Reiss, Allan L.; Menon, Vinod (2003-01-07). “Functional connectivity in the resting brain: a network analysis of the default mode hypothesis”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100 (1): 253–258]
The DMN can also be defined by the areas deactivated during external directed tasks. []Raichle, M. E.; MacLeod, A. M.; Snyder, A. Z.; Powers, W. J.; Gusnard, D. A.; Shulman, G. L. (2001). “Inaugural Article: A default mode of brain function”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 98 (2): 676–82]
The DMN was also described as the task negative network. [Fox, Michael D.; Snyder, Abraham Z.; Vincent, Justin L.; Corbetta, Maurizio; Van Essen, David C.; Raichle, Marcus E. (2005-07-05). “The human brain is intrinsically organized into dynamic, anticorrelated functional networks”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102 (27): 9673–9678.]
“The TPN is active during the attention-demanding tasks, responsible for directing our conscious attention towards the external environment through our 5 senses, towards our internal bodily states, and to the willful execution of physical and mental action, attentional focus that brings these experiences into conscious awareness.
“No study has demonstrated the simultaneous activation of the two networks, DMN and TPN (4). The relationship between the DMN and the TPN is analogous to the relationship between inhalation and exhalation: despite their intimate nature, the two cannot exist simultaneously.
“The TPN is made up of the lateral prefrontal cortex (lPFC), the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the insula, and the somatosensory cortex (S1).The lPFC is located in the lateral aspect of the frontal lobe. The lPFC is responsible for attentional-direction, decision-making, working memory (task-specific short-term memory), and cognitive control (regulating our thoughts). For the aforementioned reasons we will refer to the lPFC as the “Director.” The lPFC dictates where we direct our attention and what we do with it.
‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’ of the Superior and Supreme Athlete is characterized by the protagonist series of brain structures the Task-Positive Network (TPN), which is engaged when the Athlete attends to the here and now. The TPN is the action network. The TPN is the Athletes direct line to Mindfulness in the Present Moment in which worry and sadness cannot be activated, because the Default Mode Network (DMN) is inhibited from that moment.
As Kentucky Head Basketball Coach Calipari, who is a well read scholar, who always carries a book with him and who established and Coach Cal’s Book Club for all interested, and who is a student of many subjects, explained, in his words, when a player of his, “conquered himself”. His player finally “grew-up” into a great basketball player, when “he conquered himself”.
In Classical terms, “The Latin phrase “vincit qui se vincit” translates to “He Conquers Who Conquers Himself.” It means that a person who overcomes his weaknesses or failings, who is able to control his emotions and actions, wins life’s most important battle. It is an adaptation of a phrase by Publilius Syrus, a Latin writer of maxims (1st century BC). He wrote: Bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria meaning “He conquers twice who conquers himself when he is victorious”; control your urge to be arrogant, smug, cruel, or vindictive when you win.” [Charlene Dargay, Updated Mar 27 2016 Quora]
Coach Cal brilliantly explained and applied to his players the psychological analysis, “He Conquers Who Conquers Himself,” which, in this reporter’s neurophysiological alternative terms, for which both are correct, is ‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’ coupled with the protagonist Task-Positive Network (TPN).
Superior and Supreme Athletes, who are blessed with the ‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’, are characteristically personable. They have positive energy personalities. They are Accessible, Kind and Courteous to the athletic staff, media and fans, very Self-Confident and Articulate. He/she appear Perceptive, Knowledgeable and Wise about their athletic expertise and obligations.
Practice leading up to the sporting event is always a serious endeavor for the ‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’ Athlete (FSMA). The FSMA is a student of the game and assumes a Goal-Oriented preparation approach. They are extremely Energetic, Enthusiastic, Innovative, Hard-Working, Dedicated and Conscientious.
The FSMA is always a leader on and off the court or field. He/she is Organized, a Perfectionist and always maintaining excellent Conditioning, Health, Strength and Readiness. The FSM Athlete is Uncomplaining and Stoic; never a ‘goldbricker’.
Come game time, the FSM Athlete remains Focused on Execution of his/her assignments and are always Concentrative and Courageous. He/she display Impressive, Exciting, Extraordinary, Heroic play and is Imaginative, Skillful, Intrinsically Motivated and Passionate for the game. FSMA Athletes play Intelligently, Intuitively, Perceptively and strive for Perfection. He/she often appear Invulnerable.
The FSMA is Appreciative, Modest and Humble in Victory and Gracious and Self-Critical in defeat.Off the field or court, the FSMA has a good Personality and is Genuinely Optimistic, Honest, Honorable, Responsible Self-reliant, Trustworthy, Principled, Reliable, Considerate and always on their best Behavior. FSMA is very Contemplative and Consciously aware of their surroundings and possess a need to improve themselves and their game. FSMA has no ‘foolishness bone’ in their body.
Mental Tough Athlete (MTA) Mindset has a competitive advantage, derived from the love, passion, soul and spirit for the game.Not all Athletes have Mental Toughness. Authentic, genuine Athlete Toughness Mindset is multidimensional. The MTA is gifted with ‘FS Mindfulness’, have the athletic ability to back it up and a ‘5 star ‘Will To Execute Assignments’, perform well.
Gucciardi et al (2015) presented 7 Mindset indicators of Mental Toughness: Self-Belief, Attention Regulation, Emotion Control, Success Mindset, Context Knowledge (understanding the event at the moment), Buoyancy
( cheerful disposition) and Optimism. [Sport Psychology: A Complete Introduction by John Perry Hodder & Stoughton, Jan 14, 2016]
Mentally Tough Athlete (MTA) has extreme passion for the game, an intense emotional feeling for the game and plays for the love of the game, not the fear of the Coach, fear of loss or any other fear and enjoys the aggressive play and self-denying physicality of the game.
This reporter believes that Mentally Tough Athletes are also blessed with ‘Fixed Superior Mindfulness’. When both are combined, the Athlete in possession is something very special.
The FSMA-MTA studies the intricacies of the game, stays focused on assignments, avoids distracting obstacles, while playing the game. Nothing impedes the FSMA-MTA focus and places execution of assignments for the team victory first before personal recognition.
The FSMA-MTA is well-rounded, prepared for success and victory; always comes with their game-on, every game, as only they can play it, because their mind and bodies are completely prepared.
The FSMA-MTA are dedicated, self-sacrificing, determined, play aggressively, maintains strict conditioning and stays in excellent shape year-round. They never dissipate and seize every moment to stay in top condition.
The FSMA-MTA desires to be a player in something bigger than self, part of a successful team, yet humble in victory and graceful in defeat.
2. Muscle Memory and Athletic Momentum Advantage
‘Muscle Memory’ is an often quoted phenomenon, but usually ‘the quoter’ lacks further details and explanations. ‘Muscle Memory’ begins in the Brain and ends in the muscle. Motor muscles don’t remember. Possibly the following will help elucidate the phenomenon.
An Athlete must concentrate and focus his/her attention and mental effort primarily on Internal, self-imposed Positive Motivation. Secondarily, the Athlete must focus on External, Coach/mentor-enacted Positive Motivation. And so, that is how the ‘Little Engine’ became “process oriented,” not “outcome oriented” and could. “I think I can, I think I can,” and the engine thus could.
The Athlete should concentrate on the execution of their current assignment and athletic action. There must be a Attitude Mindset and an neuron idea action, neurophysiology. Example: “Give me the ball, I can score.”
The “process oriented” Athlete is Self-Disciplined and has remarkable Self-Control. They are obedient to themselves, the Coach and therefore, the Team.
In the Brain positive external stimuli are sensorially processed,from repetitive ‘Muscle Actions with Synchronization’ which have been relentlessly and intensively practiced, executed in games, and rewarded.
The electrical sensory stimuli, while moving along the neuron network, gather the same internal memorized mental stimuli and the sum of all new and old memorized stimuli reinforce the agile, fluid actions of the muscles, furthering the generation of Synchronized Repetitive Neurophysiological Athletic Executions.
Agonist-Antagonist Athletic Muscle Actions are muscle phenomena called ‘Muscle Synchronization’, the crux of muscle memory. Practice and concentration on accomplishment, while allaying apprehension and fear of failure, trigger the agonist and retard the antagonist that hinder agonist agile, fluid execution.
‘Muscle Memory’ is Mindful Agonist Neurophysiology 1st and ‘Muscle Synchronization’ 2nd. Fear, worry and apprehension of defeat, disappointment and failure are Antagonistic to Muscle Fluidity and Agility.
“The agonist muscle groups are free to glide smoothly through their athletic active and memory synchronies, repeatedly, unimpeded by the antagonist muscles,” when the Athlete is not worried about the outcome of a game i.e “if I miss we’ll lose and fear of the Coach, or other worries and fears.
Imagine an antagonist rubber band attached to the forearm when shooting a free throw. If the Athlete Mind is burdened with worry and fear, when the basketball is released the antagonist rubber band will restrict the usually practiced muscle memorized agile, fluid movement, because the Basketball Athlete overrides the practiced muscle memory with emotions, fear of failure, worry of losing the game, apprehension of defeat and punishment by Coach et so forth. The rubber band is tightly ‘choked’ to the forearm.
Instead, to prevent choking and antagonist reactions, the Athlete says to self “give me the ball because I can score”. “Smash the damn ball at me and I’ll smash it back.” [Vic Braden] With confidence, “Give me the ball. I can make this free throw;” “Score this touchdown.”
In this scenario, with no emotions, no fear of failure, worry, apprehension overriding the muscle action, the antagonist rubber band is non-existent and the usually practiced agonist muscle memorized forearm agile, fluid movement, smoothly glides, when the Basketball is released toward the goal successfully.
The ‘Mind Over Matter’, Concentration, Willpower Over Muscle Memory Desynchronization will Generate Muscle Synchronization, Positive Athletic Performance and Winning Physical Execution of Athletic Assignments.
“Muscle Memory’ generates Positive Momentum secondary to continuous intensified Athletic Agonist Motions and successful execution of assignments and reinforcing ‘Muscle Memory’ by maintaining successful Synchronized Athletic Performances repeatedly. This process generates the repeated continuous successful push-pull Agonist Cycle, over and over again.
When Athletes learn that repetitive good decision-making, become unemotional, unaffected, stoic, concentrate, process focused, not outcome focused, the process will result in a repetitive state of positive performances, competition wins, and Dopaminergic “feeling good” which will become repetitive.
Positive emotions encourage Athletes to do it again, momentum accrues, and the cycle repeats itself. [Mental Tennis by Vic Braden 1996] [Competitive Advantage and “This Is Your Brain On Sports: Beating Blocks, Slumps and Performance Anxiety for Good!” Alan Goldberg, PhD]
- 3. Alcohol and Marijuana Abstinence Advantage
- DON’T USE MARIJUANA. Please see general internet references
- 4. Strong Spiritual, Religious and/or Meditative Belief Systems Advantage. Please see general internet references
- 5. Athletes can have flashes of stardom and sporadic, inconsistent Athletic success, but, in time, will relapse, if the 4 advantages are not firmly implemented and strongly conditioned. IMHSMO. Please see general internet references