This is about the fundamentals of Football.
In the lead-up to 'FOOTBALL AND A DOLLAR WILL GET YOU A CUP OF COFFEE', this Athlete, medical and scientific reporter's investigation found that coffee is one of the cheapest addictive, yet helpful and healthful substances in the world and doesn't cause cancer.
In fact, several reputable research investigators claim coffee prevents cancer and other problems. Certain proprietors, throughout the U.S., offer an 8-ounce cup for a dollar or less and most Starbucks offer their latte for $3.00 [Coffee: The Cost Of A Cup, by Jesse Emspak, Jun 25, 2019 Investopedia]
In 1966, while in Medical School, ‘Football and a Dime Will Get You a Cup of Coffee’ was my presentation at the Paintsville, KY High School Spring Football Banquet by invitation of Head Football Coach, Walter Brugh. The thesis seemed natural as a philosophy for doing life. There is a big difference in doing life and doing football. Most high school football Athletes end-up doing life without football. In other words, football is a good platform from which to launch one's college education and career endeavors.
Even after a thorough, exhaustive explanation, most of my Coaches, football buddies, parents and the Athletes were left in speechless puzzlement. After all, Football was the end-all to be-all for most of the audience and was expected of me, the speaker. Thinking beyond football seemed an after thought for some in those days.
Conversely, the thesis intended was that the ultimate goals or the most imperative accomplishments in life go far beyond a short-lived football career. As the 'good ole boys' said when it was all over and, for sure, without a after-football-plan "you're nothing but a has been."
The truth is Athletes must meet both athletic and academic criteria in order to be awarded a college football scholarship and Athletes, who are awarded an college athletic scholarship, which are extremely valuable assets, are often ‘World Class Athletes’ and are capable of participation in many different athletic events.
Furthermore, Athletes must show they have the ability to make an immediate, positive impact at their position or need to demonstrate they have the potential to develop into a key player and able to make a big impact on those teams.
STATISTICS from several sources reveal the following:
- 1,036,842 boys and 2,237 girls participate in high school 11-player football in the United States; or 1,039,079 people. [Number of participants in U.S. high school football (11-player) 2018/19, ‘Statistics’]
- 92,000 scholarship and 25,000 non-scholarship college football Athletes; or 117,000 college football Athletes. [2019 Next College Student Athlete]
- 10.8% of high school 11-player football in the United States became scholarship and non-scholarship college football Athletes during the 2018/2019 NCAA football season.
- High school senior players who go on to play NCAA men's football: About 1/17, or 5.8 percent.
- NCAA senior players drafted by an NFL team: About 1/50, or 2%.
- High school senior players eventually drafted by an NFL team: About nine in 10,000, or 0.09%.[reprinted from:; sources: and the Josephson Institute's PVWH Sportsmanship Newsleter, Feb. 05]
- A study by the NCAA concluded: “Unfortunately, it comes as a rude surprise to many athletes yearning for a professional sports career to learn that the odds against success are astronomically high.
- Approximately 1% of NCAA men’s basketball players and 2% of NCAA football players are drafted by NBA or NFL teams. Just being drafted is no assurance of a successful professional career.
- “Student-athletes” whose sole and now failed objective was to make the pros suddenly find themselves in a world that demands skills their universities did not require them to learn.” []
- Nearly 8,000,000 students currently participate in high school athletics in the United States. More than 480,000 compete as NCAA athletes, and just a select few within each sport move on to compete at the professional or Olympic level.
- About 6.8% of high school football athletes compete in NCAA are awarded some form of athletics scholarship to compete in college. [ESTIMATED PROBABILITY OF COMPETING IN NCAA ATHLETICS BEYOND HIGH SCHOOL].
Even after a thorough, exhaustive explanation at the Banquet, only a handful of the attendees understood that the wonderful game of football, and baseball, basketball and other sports for that matter, are superb preparation for the complete life that follows high school and that 20 years after high school graduation, a cup of coffee will cost much more than a Dollar and former football Athletes’ children will require significant maintenance.
The trash-talking, cheap-shoting, ‘tough-acting’ guy or female Athlete won’t secure much in the real world. College and professional sports, CEOs and other employers don’t recruit ‘bad actors’. Nowadays, they don’t recruit or sign-up problems, ‘troublemakers’ and abusers.
In real life, high school and college Athletes should begin or continue their journey as reliable, dependable, respectable, ethical, truthful Athletes with excellent character and sportsmanship and a reputation for playing by the rules of the game. Newcomer and seasoned Athletes should always behave as Champions, ‘humble in victory and gracious in defeat’. That is sound advice for Athletes who want to succeed in life.
From wherever Athletes arrive on the sport scene matters little. Most Athletes at some point in life have herd the ‘Golden Rule’, “Do Unto Others As You Would Have Others Do Unto You.” [Mathew 7:12] Athletes should ‘lean-in’ to their mentors and absorb every bit of information sincerely. Mentors can be parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, ministers, friends and others. From the beginning, Athletes should secure mentors from all walks of life.
“Clemson football coach Dabo Swinney has confirmed his status as one of the nation’s elite coaches and philosophical mentors. Now, at 49, he leads one of the nation’s most successful football programs. His success 'doing life' underpinned his Head Coach job acquisition and serves as an example. As an All-State and All American Football Athlete this medical and scientific reporter hoped to stimulate other PHS football Athletes at the Banquet to likewise pursue a Medical Doctor, other scientific, teacher or professional career. Coach Swinney and I pursued different professions, but both professions were supported with determination and good character.
"Coach Swinney won 5 ACC championships, 3 Bear Bryant awards and 2 National Championships. Swinney has also won over a nation of fans. His rags-to-riches story, his quick wit, his memorable one-liners, and his relentless confidence in the power of positive thinking.
He said, “Listen, I come from the most screwed-up dysfunctional situation. I've had violence. Police at my house. My dad was gone. Had nowhere to live. I want people to know, if I can make it, anybody can make it. [Dabo Swinney]
“Coach Dabo Swinney was recently interviewed during the ACC kickoff. Instead of the usual questions about the team or the upcoming season, he was, instead, asked about his faith.
“Man, that’s the easiest question I’ve had all day,” Swinney commented. Enthusiastically, he responded, recounting his childhood during tough times, being raised by parents who taught him there was a God, and later, coming to Christ at the age of sixteen: “And that was a game-changer for me,” he said, “That’s really become the foundation of my life.”
Swinney continued, “It’s hard to survive and thrive in this world if you don’t have a spiritual foundation and have something that that you know, will give you peace, because life is hard. And we’re all going to experience death and failure and setbacks and disappointments and cancer and, you know, it’s a really difficult world. And, for me, in my relationship with Christ, God has always given me hope and peace.”
Swinney also shared his life verse, Jeremiah 29:11, saying that he applied it to his life’s journey and though he is now the Head Coach of Clemson’s football program, that his “life hasn’t always been this way”:.... “I always used that to me, if there’s really hope in the future, then there’s Power in the present to deal with whatever mess you’re dealing with in your life..... You know, to step through the turmoil, to hang in there, to persevere, to continue to believe in something, God. And that’s what my relationship with Christ did for me. It gave me a hope and a belief and the ability to have a hope and a belief beyond my circumstances.”
Referring to his greatest accomplishment, Swinney also surprised, saying it is his 3 sons’ confession of faith in Jesus Christ and that was their personal decisions.
Swinney concludes, “…trust me, the people that know me know I ain’t perfect, but I do try to live my life in a way, that hopefully, can be pleasing to my maker. Because I know I’m going to meet him one day. And he’s not going to pat me on the back, talking about how many wins I had, how many coach of the year trophies we got, or how much money I made.
"I really think he’s gonna hold me accountable, to how I took advantage of the opportunity and the blessings that he gave me, the impact that I had on young people, the type of men that our coac hing staff developed through a game and how we lived our lives.” [Clemson Football Coach Dabo Swinney Shares Testimony at ACC Kickoff by Lauren Sanchez, Religious persecution, missions, Christianity around the world, 2018 Jul 23,]
After winning the national championship, Coach Swinney said, “We’re not going to be defined by that trophy,”.... “That’s never going to be the definition of our success. We are going to be defined by how we love our players and how their lives are changed for the better under our supervision and mentorship.
Swinney continued, “I’m very aware of what my job is. My job is to coach football and to win football games, and I take a lot of pride in that. But we’re not results-driven around here. We’re so much more about how we do things and how we Coaches and players live our lives and conduct ourselves. [Clemson Football Coach ‘All-in’ for Christ by Charles Chandler October 31, 2017 'All-in' for Christ". Billy Graham Evangelistic Association]
Of course, there are many physical and mental factors that underpin excellent Athletic Performance and excellent Life Performance. The following 4 'Advantages' are essential Neurophysiologically for both Athletic competition and life:
- Fixed Superior Mindfulness (FSM) and Mentally Tough Athlete (MTA)
- Muscle Memory and Athletic Momentum
- Alcohol and Marijuana Abstinence
- Strong Belief Systems
For the complete report see:
Of course, all us 'ole jocks' would like to have excelled all the way up the leader to professional stardom, but that is the exception, not the rule. Most of us spend more time drinking coffee and talking sports.
Athletic Competition and 'doing life' for 99% of High School Athletes are about
- securing reputable mentors from all walks of life
- behaving as a Champions during and aside competition
- 'walking the walk and not talking the talk'
- doing more and saying less
- implementing the ‘Golden Rule’
- ("do unto others as you would have others do unto you")
- properly launching one's college education and career endeavors
- applying total concentration on tasks at hand
- developing proper sport practice, study, educational and employment habits
- avoiding dangerous activities and customs,
- establishing and practicing a strong belief in God and practice of Jesusness
- and, after 'taking the high road', enjoying a satisfying cup of coffee,
- while contemplating a life well done,
- a life, which was underpinned by guidance, instruction, ethics and discipline from Sport, Recreation and Exercise participation and excellent mentors.
Sports builds good character and successful living, when trained and mentored by Coaches with good character and commendable living.
- Coaches, Athletes and all Humans should manifest ‘Exemplary Humanism’:
- Live ethically and responsibly in the moment and do for others.
- Abide with clean, convenient, comfortable, safe, secure, and moral standards.
- Act and speak with strength, courage, wisdom, patience and kind words.
- Tender the Mind, Body and Soul, psychological, physical and moral databases with intellectual, healthy and soulful manifestations.
Clemson Head Football Coach, Dabo Swinney, takes the philosophical, psychological, healthy, soulful and exemplary 'high road' and is able to contemplate Football and a life well done. Coach Swinney is a good example for his Athletes to listen and follow.
Athletes, who have fortunately been mentored during their Sport, Recreation and Exercise (SRE) participation by excellent philosophical, psychological, spiritual and exemplary Coaches who were given a boost by SRE and Coaches like Coach Dabo Swinney and who become successful 'doing life' i.e. academic achievements and/or becoming, teachers, trades, business and military men/women, Coaches, attorneys, doctors, physicists and so on, should be honored and awarded commendations such as Hall of Fame, All America, All State etc. with additional scores tallied toward their honors based on both the SRE successes and their life's accomplishments .